Party Time Mysteries Children’s Mystery Parties are non-murder mysteries designed for guests under 12 years of age that combine the fun of dressing up, figuring out a mystery, and party games. Guests are assigned a character complete with costume suggestions and character descriptions. Unlike the adult and teen mysteries, the guests of children’s mysteries do no have to complete objectives independently of the other guests. Clues are given to all of the guests through various party games ending with the solution of the mystery and awards for those who solve the mystery.

The circus is in town and you are invited to be part of some of the greatest acts of all time!
Unfortunately there has been trouble under the big top. One of the jewelled collars that the lions wear in the lion act has disappeared. We need your help to find the missing collar so that the show can go on.

Everyone has been practising for weeks and we are just a few hours away from what should be an amazing performance.
The problem is that the most important prop in the play, the Nutcracker, has disappeared! Without it, the show is ruined. Help us find the missing Nutcracker so that the show can go on.

Superheroes from around the world have gathered to share ideas, have some fun and find out who the winner is of this year’s GAGAA, (Golden Absolutely Great and Awesome Award).
Unfortunately there is havoc among the heroes as terrible things keep happening around the city including the disappearance of the GAGAA itself! Can you solve this mystery and save the day?